






Taiga on Twitter: "このランキング、ほとんど日本でしか知られてないし、ちゃんと調べればわかるけどイギリス出身アメリカ在住の“自称”映画評論家が毎年独断と偏見で選んでるだけなんだよな。1人のおっさんの好みの顔ランキングをありがたがってニュースサイトも報道してるの、まじでめちゃくちゃ滑稽だと思う。… https://t.co/UYVpoNqgBg"



このベスト100をコーディネートしているIndependent Criticsというサイトにいってみます。


するとAbout usの欄に

The Independent Critics are a diverse group of approximately 20 people living in various parts of the world, organized by TC Candler

とあり、創始者のTC Calenderさんのお仲間の20人の有志が選んでいるようです。


TC Candler and the members select only 100 faces out of the approximately 105,000 female celebrities (which works out to less than 0.0010%).



However, as the years have passed, The Lists have been heavily influenced by the rise of international modeling, worldwide cinema, K-Pop, Bollywood, global television, internet personalities etc. It is now the most diverse and inclusive beauty list you will ever find.



When the list first began in the early 1990’s, it was comprised mostly of American, British and Australian stars.





ところでTC Calenderさんって?

このランキングをコーディネートしているTC Calenderさんってどんな人なんでしょうか?

TC Candler is the creator of the Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of the Year. He was born in London, England — but has lived in various parts of the United States (Los Angeles, Minneapolis & Las Vegas) since the mid-1980′s. He graduated university in 1997 with a degree in English.

Candler had always been a prominent writer / creator on the internet since its early years. After university, he went on to create one of the more successful movie review websites of the late 1990′s. At its peak, the site was receiving at least a quarter of a million unique visitors a month. Eventually, he teamed up with a few other critics to form another website devoted to movie reviews, celebrity interviews and opinionated columns. It was also a huge success for over three years — ranking as one of the most popular movie sites on the net between 2005 and 2008.

TC was also the lead writer and editor of Coming Soon Magazine — a London based monthly publication under the banner of The Independent Newspaper. At its peak, Candler was drawing well over 100,000 readers on a weekly basis.

He currently splits his time between Las Vegas and the beautiful island of Barbados – where he devotes much of his time to THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS LISTS and the search for THE 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL & HANDSOME FACES of the year. Not a bad job, if you can get it!

 とありますので、ロンドン生まれのアメリカ在住の男性。大学は英文学を専攻し、WebクリエータやComing Soon Magazineなどの編集として活躍。現在はラスベガスとカリブ海のバルバドス島で悠々自適な暮らしをし、たまに最も美しい顔ベスト100のセレクションの仕事をしているらしいですね。

